Homemade chestnut lampe

Origami lamp DIY

Vejledningen sendes ikke længere.
Måske kan du istedet bruge skabelonerne jeg har lavet til diamant lampeskærmene?
De kan downloads gratis via min webshop DecoVilla.

The tutorial will not be send any more.
But maybe you can use the templates I have made for the diamond lampshades?
They can be downloaded for free in my webshop DecoVilla.

Mit indlæg om Snowpuppe lampen, har været særdeles populært og jeg er rigtig glad for alle jeres positive tilkendegivelser, mange tak for dem. Derfor har jeg også lavet en vejledning til jer. 🙂

The reason for me to make the tutorial are several:

– Their lamps are pretty but also expensive, so one evening I sat down trying to fold a similar lamp. The cost of this was a stack of printing paper; and that is what you need; some paper or carton, a light bulb and a socket. And when following the instructions it will take you about an hour.
– When making you own lamp, you get the possibility to make the lamp shade in excatly the colour you like and it is also possible to vary the size and make a bigger lamp.
– The lamp I made isn?t an exact copy, because I never had an original lamp in my hands, I?ve only looked at pictures online.
– I’m not doing it for earning any money.

I have also had some conversations with Studio Snowpuppe regarding the tutorial.
I startede with:

Dear Christina,
Congratulations on your DIY model of the Chestnut lamp. You did a great job 🙂
Thank you for mentioning us in your post.
Of course you are absolutely free to do this and to put DIY instructions online for other people.
The downside is that for us as Studio Snowpuppe this is not very nice to have online?

We wrote a lot back and fourth, but when I didn?t met their request regarding not sending the DIY they started spaming my blog and Instagram account with the follwing comments:
Christina Sandersen of Kreavilla is stealing and abusing our designs and brand identity.
She is promoting to make low quality DIY copies of our creative work, without our permission.
It is causing big damage to our small design company.
If you are a Studio Snowpuppe fan, please help us by not supporting this and write us an email at info@studiosnowpuppe.nl

Quite a change of mind:
First: Of course you are absolutely free to do this and to put DIY instructions online for other people? and ?Thank you for mentioning us in your post.?
Now: Christina Sandersen of Kreavilla is stealing and abusing our designs and brand identity.

First: Congratulations on your DIY model of the Chestnut lamp. You did a great job.
Now: She is promoting to make low quality DIY copies of our creative work, without our permission.

Now: It is causing big damage to our small design company.
I think: Writing to people this way will damage them more.

Now: If you are a Studio Snowpuppe fan, please help us by not supporting this and write us an email at info@studiosnowpuppe.nl
I think: If you are a Snowpuppe fan, please be aware of this is how Studio Snowpuppe approach people, if you don?t do as they like – threathing and starting rumors.

When I removed the above posts, but didn?t replied within 2 hours they continued:
Hello Christina, thank you for removing our comment and others tht were complaining about you the copy-cat… Do you want us to continue? Or do you prefer to keep your dignity and remove all the posts of our products immediately. It is up to you 🙂

They posted this 12 times! on my blog and a couple of times on Instragram.The first post was only posted 3 times. ;.)
I hadn?t time for a reply, so an hour later:
We are now writing an article about you as a copy-cat. We will spread this article over the internet and we have a lot of connection with big bloggers that will support us, some of them allready know about this issue. And are ready to write about you as a copy-cat when we give them a go. And we loosing our patient.

And that is where we are now, they have started spreading an article about me.


22 kommentarer

  • Jeg vil også gerne bede om DIY på Loui81@live.dk – Mange tak på forhånd! :)God søndag – Mvh Louise

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  • Hej LouiseJeg sender desværre ikke vejledningen mere. Læs evt. mere om hvorfor i indlægget her.

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  • Shit hvor er det dog dårlig stil ! Som webshop/butiksejer, er jeg ofte på udkig efter fede produkter at forhandle. Studio Snowpuppe er hermed streget af listen. Magen til klaphatte altså! MvhTherese fra Sikka(www.sikka.dk)

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  • Jeg krummer tæer på vegne af Studio Snowpuppe, men det er vel spildt siden de selv synes, at de er i deres fulde ret til at optræde så uforskammet og faktisk også ørertæveindbydende.Mega dårlig stil og meget meget pinligt, synes jeg, for dem altså.Helt rigtigt af dig at lægge kortene på bordet her, så vi andre kan være opmærksomme på deres ævl andre steder.Synd at du skulle få så meget bøvl ud af det.p.s. Er stadig superglad for min stage 🙂

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  • Sikke en fin lampe. Og sikke nogle klaphatte til Snowpuppe. Måske deres imødekommende kommunikationsperson, som startede med at skrive til dig, er blevet kidnappet eller noget og erstattet med virkelig kommunikationshæmmet type. Forstår slet ikke, man vil være bekendt at tale/skrive sådan til andre mennesker – og da SLET ikke, hvis man skal forestille at være et firma, der lever af at sælge produkter til … ja, mennesker …

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  • Anonym

    Altså, det er da helt utroligt så dårlig stil den virksomhed har! De mister da totalt image og kunder. Hermed er jeg tabt! sammen med alle dem jeg deler dit indlæg her med.Klaphatte, det er hvad de er!

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  • Haha, ja god teori. Det må være det der er sket. *S*

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  • Vil gerne endnu en gang takke for jeres støtte og opbakning, det varmer mere end i aner.1000 tak!

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  • Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.

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  • Dear Studio Snowpuppe,I am writing to inform you, that I have just returned my 30'th birthday present – a Moth Origami lamp. This I have decided to do based merely on the background of you handling of your issues with Christina, with the Danish blog Kreaville – a person with whom I have no personal relationship.As a private person, and professional in communication and marketing, I must say that I am appalled by your handling of your issues with Christina – such bad handling on your side! Any Chinese with the wish to copy your designs could easily do so, either by having a bit of mathematical skill or creativity, or by buying one of your lamps and make an exact copy!Herrasment is simply not the way to go for any company, who wish to appear professional and uphold respect around its image. And the fact that you execute harassment on a blog is plain stupidity from you side, seeing that blogs are where you attract a big majority of your customers. Replica designs are a tough reality for designers and retailers today, and upholding a good image and high quality has therefore become increasingly important, making the original more attractive than any copy for customers. And believe me – there is no better place to for spreading bad image than on blogs, which rely on the core foundation of sharing.You could have handled this SO much smarter – shame on you!RegardsMai

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  • Hvor nedværdigende er det lige?! Og ja, jeg må sige, det er ligesom om at jeg slet ikke finder lampen flot mere, når man ved hvem der står bag!! Så den er streget af ønskeseddlen – jubii for så er der plads til andet 😉

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  • Jeg har lige brugt tid på at læse hele dette indlæg igennem. Tænker at der ligger en del muligheder i at lade Snowpuppe promovere artikel om dette. Bl.a. stor omtale af din blog, og mener afgjort de sætter deres eget lys under en skæppe. Jeg ku godt ønske at du lod det ske med den selvtillid der må være i at du intet ulovligt har gjort, og at deres tryneri er tydeligt. Største hilsen fra Kamilla Holm

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  • Hvor er det frygtelig dårlig stil! Du er så fantastisk kreativ og dygtig, og det er synd, at mennesker kan behandle hinanden sådan… Du må trøste dig ved, at du har mange dedikerede følgere/læsere (mig selv inklusiv på instagram (; ), der elsker, du lægger DIYs ud (:Knus herfra

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  • Øv! Det får mig helt til ikke at ville støtte deres firma – var ellers tæt på at ville bestille et til børneværelset….

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  • Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.

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  • You may just place instructions somewhere (like thepiratebay to be sure it will stay there forever) from a throwaway account. These assholes deserve it.

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  • Jennifer

    You shouldn’t care about them, why should you do as they want when they don’t even show you any respect? If I were you I would continue to post it and destroy their unnecessarily expensive lamp company lol

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  • Juha

    Hello, could You please send me the DIY template and/or instructions for the lovely Chestnut lampshade. I have been looking all over for it. It looks lovely! And great work in putting it together in DIY format.
    Kind regards, Juha

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  • Frede

    Er der sletingen steder man kan finde din vejledning mere? 🙂

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  • evi dini

    gongrats for the diy and in my opinion it is indeed a pity you “respected” their interpretation of the Satoshi Kamiya diamond fold…you should have kept in online…the dutch suck anyhow!!!

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  • Sarah


    I read the history and I really think they are ridiculous.
    Who likes the brand will keep buying their products. You are free for write about your experience.
    I would like to learning how to do this. If you can, I would love to receive the instruction.



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  • Pilar

    Hello, Christina. I was wandering if you could send me the DIY tutorial for the chestnut lamp. I live in Argentina, and this is the only way I have to own one. I apologize if this is inconvenient.
    Best regards,

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Homemade chestnut lampe